Monday, April 2, 2007

The Angel and the Devil

My beautiful little girl is such an angel. She hasn't been feeling 100%, but she is such a good natured baby. She was singing to me tonight. Her head banging and scratching have totally stopped and she definitely knows I am her mommy.
I am considering the US Embassy to be the Devil at this moment. It is Monday night and they still have not called for appointment number 2. I am so ready to go home and really miss John. Everyone please pray that the embassy can get their act together so Liana and I can get home by Easter as planned.


Christie said...

Your little girl is so adorable. I will keep you in our prayers for a speedy interview and safe flight home.


Draycos said...

What a coincidence that we ended up using the same blog site! The whole family and I are hoping you get through quickly. Good Luck!!!

Draycos said...

Signed, Abram